- あらゆる機会{きかい}を巧みに利用{りよう}する
take advantage of every opportunity 意味
- "take advantage of confusion" 意味
- "take advantage of costly mistakes" 意味
- "take advantage of damage" 意味
- "take advantage of educational opportunities" 意味
- "take advantage of every chance" 意味
- "take advantage of every opportunity that comes along" 意味
- "take advantage of every square foot available" 意味
- "take advantage of every step forward in the progress of science" 意味
- "take advantage of globalization" 意味
- "take advantage of educational opportunities" 意味
- "take advantage of every chance" 意味
- "take advantage of every opportunity that comes along" 意味
- "take advantage of every square foot available" 意味